Cheryl D. Lerchin, M.D.

Patient Education

1. Back pain

2. Neck pain

3. Shoulder pain

4. Knee pain

5. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Back pain is an extrememly common problem. 80% of adults will

experience back pain at some point in their lives, and back pain is

the 2nd most common reason for patients to visit their primary care

doctor. All back pain, however, is not the same.

Most people equate all back pain with a “slipped” or herniated disc

and “pinched” nerve. Although this type of problem, called

radiculopathy, is one source of back pain, it is not the only one.

Causes of back pain include:

1. pinched nerve/radiculopathy

2. muscular injury or tension

3. arthritis

4. inflammation of the soft tissues/small joints of the spine

It is important to obtain a specific diagnosis to determine the most

appropriate treatment. Physiatrists are physicians specializing in

the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal complaints such as

back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, and knee pain.

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Patients often assume that all neck pain is caused by a “pinched

nerve”. Often times, however, this is not the case. Causes of neck

pain include:

· Arthritis

· Muscular injury or tension

· “Pinched nerve”/radiculopathy

The nonsurgical treatment of neck pain can include medication,

physical therapy, and injections. It is important to obtain a

correct diagnosis to determine the most appropriate treatment.

A Physiatrist is a physician specializing in the diagnosis and

treatment of musculoskeletal complaints such as shoulder pain, neck,

back pain, and knee pain.

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Because the shoulder is a complex structure, there can be many

reasons for discomfort. These include:

· Arthritis

· Tendonitis

· Bursitis

· Rotator cuff or ligament tears

Many shoulder problems can be treated without surgery. Physical

therapy, medication, and local injections may alleviate your pain.

A Physiatrist is a physician specializing in the diagnosis and

treatment of musculoskeletal complaints such as shoulder pain, neck,

back pain, and knee pain.

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Because the knee is a complex structure, there can be many reasons

for discomfort. These include:

· Arthritis

· Tendonitis

· Bursitis

· Cartilage or ligament injuries/tears

Knee pain can often be treated successfully without surgery.

Physical therapy, medication, and local injections may alleviate

your pain.

A Physiatrist is a physician specializing in the diagnosis and

treatment of musculoskeletal complaints such as knee pain, shoulder

pain, neck, and back pain.

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a common problem characterized by numbness,

aching, or pain in the hands, wrists, and forearms. Carpal Tunnel is

caused by pressure on one of the main nerves supplying the arms and

hands as it passes through the wrist.

The various treatments to help control the symptoms of Carpal Tunnel

Syndrome include medication, wrist splints, local steroid injections,

and hand therapy. If the damage is extensive enough, surgery may be

necessary. An EMG/nerve test should be done to evaluate the extent

of nerve damage and to determine the correct treatment.

A Physiatrist is uniquely trained and qualified to perform EMG

testing and to evaluate as well as treat your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

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